© Jules van Eijs, Texoprint

Texoprint (Rotterdam)

In 11 Tagen

Auf einen Blick

  • Fürth
  • 16.02.2025
  • Ganztags


The Netherlands’ most intense noise rock trio has changed its name but not its identity. TEXOPRINT (formerly known as KALAALLIT NUNAAT) is a factory specialised in producing noise at the highest level. With a mix of high speed and loud volumes, they create music where sharp guitar tones and relentless rhythms form a powerful, immersive whole. Beneath the raw surface lie carefully crafted songs with personal, critical, and cynical themes. 2024 they released the first EP of their new album and played all over Europe including Supersonic’s Block Party in Paris and Best Kept Secret 2024. So, what's the verdict? Loud? Check. Discontented? Check. Anti-party music? Maybe, but probably not. » https://www.instagram.com/texoprintband » https://www.facebook.com/KalaallitNunaatband » https://texoprint.bandcamp.com » https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/3Crxw3x5GQwDrhY51BNcMi » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdRlGceFtgA » https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0_DBM1KtYU » https://youtu.be/EQE0UqicjaQ?si=XK1KztiPqVo4UE48

Allgemeine Informationen


10,00 € / ermäßigt: 5,00 €


Ermäßigt für:

Fürth-Pass/Nürnberg-Pass und andere Menschen mit wenig Geld



Infos zum Kartenvorverkauf:

Kein VVK, nur Reservierung.

Bezahlung an der AK.


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